People born in October are sick, and it turns out that the relationship between birth month and health is real

A study by Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has shown: Month of birth is actually a factor that can be used to predict your incidence of illness and health.

Birthdays may not affect your destiny, according to what zodiacal science still says. But a study by Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has shown: Month of birth is actually a factor that can be used to predict your incidence and health.

Scientific evidence on 1.7 million Americans shows: Those born in early October are the most vulnerable subjects. Meanwhile, people born in May have the best health. If birthdays fall in September, October and November, you are at risk for many diseases. In contrast, healthy groups are usually born between February and July.

Picture 1 of People born in October are sick, and it turns out that the relationship between birth month and health is real

Who was born in early October is the most vulnerable object.

Why is the birth month or more precisely the season that can tell us if we have a higher risk of getting a disease? Scientists explain: Environmental factors during pregnancy can affect the health of the child later.

For example, babies born in summer or fall are more likely to have asthma, because the pregnant mother who has been in winter has had a cold or flu. In terms of science, the birth month is not spiritual.

Research by Columbia University scientists also analyzed factors such as air pollution, secondhand smoke inhalation, and other environmental factors to draw conclusions. The results are published in the Scientific Journal Journal of American Medical Informatics Association.

Previously, there have been many studies examining the relationship between birth month and some diseases such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), asthma or even myopia.

A 1983 study convincingly determined a time of year that babies born were more likely to have asthma. The reason is given, this is the time to coincide with the fertility season of the dust mites.

This proves that the birth month can determine part of your health destiny later on, based entirely on science and not spirituality.

Picture 2 of People born in October are sick, and it turns out that the relationship between birth month and health is real

The incidence is based on the month of birth.

To investigate more clearly, scientists at Columbia University Medical Center conducted a large-scale study. They looked at 1,688 diseases and compared it to the medical records of 1.7 million patients in the US in a century, from 1900 to 2000.

Using mathematical methods based on evaluated data, scientists come to a conclusion. They found 55 diseases that were closely related to a person's birth month. Of which there are 16 completely new diseases, the first time it has been shown to be related to the month and season of birth.

Dr Nicholas Tatonetti, associate professor of biomedical computing at Columbia University Medical Center, said: "This data can help scientists discover many new risk factors for disease." One of the most important discoveries is 9 to heart disease related to the birth month of a person.

Accordingly, those born in March are more likely to develop congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation (AFib), and other cardiovascular diseases. AFib occurs when irregular and irregular tachycardia. For every 40 people who have this disease, 1 person is born in March.

Dr. Tatonetti said behind this ratio, there seems to be a biological mechanism that is responsible. But what it really is, more research is needed to determine it.

For attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) , 1/675 cases were associated with birth months. The results are consistent with a previous Swedish study. In particular, scientists also found that babies born in November are at higher risk of ADHD.

Some medical experts suspect that vitamin D deficiency is the reason for this effect. We absorb vitamin D when skin is exposed to sunlight. Because spring and summer are more sunny than autumn, pregnant women during this period may have provided enough vitamin D to their babies against ADHD.

Picture 3 of People born in October are sick, and it turns out that the relationship between birth month and health is real

Scientists also found that babies born in November are at a higher risk of ADHD.

Now, answer the question 'Should you worry about the results of this research?' , Dr. Tatonetti said:

'Although we find a significant link, the risk of overall illness is not large. The risk of having a month of health decisions is relatively small, when compared to variables that are more likely to affect such as diet and exercise ".

Therefore, having birth in any month, eating a nutritious diet and exercising in moderation will still help you argue with your 'destiny' .

In addition, because this study has only been done based on population statistics in the US, its results need to be re-examined in other countries. Different habitats and climates can make each community able to have different diseases.

Update 15 December 2018



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