People who challenge all diseases

An Ecuadorian dwarf community seems to be immune to all kinds of diseases, especially cancer, and has a very long life.

More than 300 people suffer from Laron dwarfism worldwide and one-third of them live in remote villages in Loja province in southern Ecuador. Scientists believe that Laron's syndrome is derived from inbreeding. Their bodies were perfectly proportioned, but very few people were over 150 cm tall.

Scientists from the Ecuadorian National Institute of Endocrinology conducted a study on the secret of long-term survival and immunity to the diseases of Laron dwarfs in Ecuador. The team found that the victims of Laron's syndrome lacked a growth hormone called Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1). One special thing is that they never have cancer.

Picture 1 of People who challenge all diseases

Most people with Laron syndrome have a height of less than 150 cm.Photo:

"We have not found any Laron dwarf who has cancer, even though their normal height relatives are still ill. Every test proves that the IGF1 concentration is too high to be one of the People with Laron dwarfs have very low levels of IGF1 , " said Dr. Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, a hormone expert at Ecuardor's National Endocrinology Institute.

According to Dr. Jaimes, in normal people, the body's overproduction of IGF1 can lead to breast cancer, prostate cancer and esophageal cancer before middle age. He confirmed that if he found a way to reduce IGF1 in the human body, cancer could be repelled.

Dr. Valter Longo, an expert at Southern California University (USA), also conducted studies on Laron dwarfism on mice. He found that infected animals had a life expectancy 10 times higher than their average lifespan. Valter argues that the absence of IGF1 reduces the risk of injury in DNA - the agent that leads to cancer.

Many experiments on flies and worms have also demonstrated that animals live longer and are immune to disease when their bodies lack the IGF1 hormone. According to experts, reducing this hormone in the body is not too difficult.