Photographing the past - a surprising discovery in the scientific world

We all dream of traveling in time, carrying our cameras and going back to the past to take unique pictures.

Each of us dreams of time travel: carry a camera and go back a few hundred, even a few thousand years; take unique photos to see how magnificent the 7 wonders of the ancient world looked, how fortified Troy looked, how fierce did the real tyrannosaurs of the past look?…

Is this science fiction? Well, many of us would think so. However, there are a few people who have taken such pictures. Only, the author of these pictures insists they are not in the past. Their camera lenses were somehow able to travel through time, travel back in time, and capture incredible images.

Many people even refuse to discuss such topics, arguing that there is much more to be learned. All photos are considered to be film errors or completely fraudulent due to jigsaw puzzles.

However, there was one person who claimed to be responsible for studying this issue from a scientific point of view. He is Geinrich Mikhailovich Silanov - a Geophysicist, Head of the Spectroscopy Laboratory of Voronezh Geology Company, Russia. GM Silanov, is a lover of discovery. The work of exploring geological deposits helped him maintain his dream of discovering and photographing unidentified flying objects (UFOs). He was the head of an expedition to study anomalous phenomena in Voronezh.

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Geinrich Mikhailovich Silanov (photo: via youtube)

Unusual photos

In 1992, while trying out a new lensed UFO camera, Silantov happened to snap a picture of the agency's parking lot. When he was editing photos, he was surprised to find that the right side of the parked car had a picture of another car that had left before he pressed the shutter button.

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On the left is a real car parked, on the right is a past photo of the car that has left

The second image made an even stronger impression on Silantov, depicting two figures, who not long before had left where he had pointed the lens and shot.

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The photo has 2 human figures that left the frame before Silanov took the camera

When taking pictures in the Khoper River area, which is said to have frequent UFO sightings, Silantov got interesting pictures. One of the pictures appeared of a soldier wearing a helmet. When analyzed, it was the military uniform of the army of Czechoslovakia (Czech) during World War II. Historical data show that in 1943, a regiment of Czechoslovak troops was established in the Khoper River area under the command of Ludwig Svoboda, the later president of Czechoslovakia.

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Original Czechoslovakian soldier (left) and emphasis (right) in Silanov's past photograph (photo: Silanov)

In another case, when Silanov took a picture of a picnic hut, the picture clearly showed a girl bending over to tie the tent. But, in fact when shooting, the girl was standing next to Silantov.

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The girl in the picture was standing next to Silanov when he took this photo

With a photo taken from the natural area of ​​southern Russia, it is not difficult to spot a tyrannosaur, a giant creature that once existed on earth at least a few tens of thousands of years ago.

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Dinosaurs no longer appeared from a few tens of thousands of years ago, but appeared in a photo taken in the 20th century.

The 'memory field phenomenon' of space-time

GM Xilanov calls his photographic phenomenon of the past the 'Field Memory Phenomenon' although he does not explicitly understand it.

According to Xilanov, any structure/thing EVERYWHERE leaves its mark in the lines of force of certain physical fields such as electromagnetic, gravitational, microwave or other fields in space , at a particular time. He suggested that images of the past appear due to the special excited states of these fields when certain frequencies resonate with the excitation frequency.

The Russian scientist believes that space is a large hologram that stores information about everything that has ever passed through it or been placed in it. Under certain conditions, any point in space can 'turn on' memory, which is materialized in the form of light quanta, reviving images of the past.

How was Xilanov's past camera created?

The human eye perceives only a very limited part of the spectrum from 400 nm to 700 nm. On both sides of the area that we see are huge areas that can only be perceived by special equipment.

Likewise, conventional optical equipment does not transmit ultraviolet light through it. For a lens capable of 'seeing through' time, Silanov looked for natural quartz particles that could transmit ultraviolet light, including them for analysis on a spectrometer.

He melted these grains of sand and made a lens with the required curvature. Then he polished the lens manually. A year later he received a lens that could transmit ultraviolet light, allowing film rolls to record images from ultraviolet rays.

The film Silanov uses is also unusual: it does not have a gelatin layer to filter out ultraviolet rays.

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Prototype of Silanov's past camera.

Uncover the mysteries of the Universe with a special camera

With his unique camera, Silanov is able to capture exceptional images in a wide spectrum that is inaccessible to us humans.

The book 'Touching Extraterrestrial Intelligence' was published by Silanov in 2013 with more than 150 special photos describing phenomena and events that have appeared in the past. The book also describes the unusual events that happened in the 20 years (from 1993 to 2013) in the territory of Voronezh as well as the amazing discoveries and traces of encounters with creatures from other worlds…

Limitations that need to be overcome

One of the major limitations of Silanov's 'time machine' is that it does not have a 'timed dial'. When the shutter-release button is pressed, no one knows what era the camera will capture in the past.

The scientists tried to take pictures at the same location with five devices at the same time. Instead of five identical frames, multiple layers of images are obtained – from the previous minute illuminated by the same sun to the sunsets of past geological epochs.

"We have never been able to reproduce in the same place an image that has been taken before," said Silanov . But we always get different shots, both of the plot and the timing of the event. This is quite understandable, for in these and other places a great deal of events have taken place, and all of them stacked up, are remembered, and have since been stored indefinitely. term in the 'Memory' of the Space Around Us. Therefore the probability of repeating one and the same event is extremely small.'

The majority of images obtained with memory information do not have a temporal reference, and for this reason Silanov and colleagues were unable to pinpoint the exact time of the event. The only criteria by which he could guess the approximate time were clothing, utensils, hairstyles, military equipment, and other similar characteristics.

Another problem is that in photographs, scenes from the past, there is often a discrepancy in the proportions and sizes of the subjects that are shown.

Silanov is not alone?

Silanov's photographs are reminiscent of the famous Kirlian effect of aura photography. When a torn leaf is photographed aura using the Kirlian effect, its aura still shows the torn leaf ('Phantom Leaf Effect'). So, in some photographs of Silantov's past with trees, its broken stems and leaves are still visible in the photo.

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Phantom Leaf Effect when photographing the halo (left) and top of a tree before being hit by lightning is blurred in Silanov's photo (right)

Before that, the outstanding Kazakh scientist - Leonid Semenovich Pritzker - photographed the thrones of Russian tsars on display at the Hermitage museum - St. Petersburg, after editing the image, he discovered that the face of Tsar Peter I appeared, just like when this king was sitting on the throne. Pritzker's photos were examined by the Kazakhstan Prosecutor's Office and confirmed to be genuine.

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Confirmation of the Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan about the authenticity of the past photographs of Pritzker.

The Russian astrophysicist NA Kozyrev (1908 - 1983) suggested that there exists a special 'space' in the space in which we exist, full of torsional energy currents carrying information. about the present, past and future, that is the flow of time matter. Streams of temporal matter are likely to be absorbed, reflected, and focused in time mirrors.

Experiments with Kozyrev time mirrors show that people in mirrors can be in a special mental state and receive very real information or images from the past and future.

Thus, it is possible that the 'memory field phenomenon' mentioned by GM Silanov and the time-matter flow mentioned by Kozyrev are similar. This assumption is entirely consistent with the teachings of creeds or religions about the presence of a special kind of physical field that can permanently record any past and future action or event, and Cultivators with special abilities such as fortune-telling can access it to look into the past and foresee the future. Video about GM Silanov's past photography technique:

Update 14 February 2022



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