Plants know pain when cut and whine when not watered

Recent research by scientists shows that plants also feel pain and emit a groan when not watered.

A group of scientists from Tel Aviv University, Israel recently discovered that some plants have the ability to emit a sound that expresses pain at high frequencies when living in harsh environments. .

Research on tomato and tobacco plants by scientists was conducted at a distance of 10cm. They cut some branches and did not water for several days. The scientists then obtained 35 acoustic signals per hour from these branches.

Picture 1 of Plants know pain when cut and whine when not watered

The scientists experimented on tomato and tobacco branches by neglecting to water for several days.(Photo: iStockphoto).

Picture 2 of Plants know pain when cut and whine when not watered

Research report of scientists from Tel Aviv University.

Summarizing the results, the researchers discovered, the plants emitted ultrasound from 20-100 kilohertz. According to Live Science , when tomato branches were cut, research shows that they emit 25 ultrasound per hour while tobacco plants emit only 15 ultrasounds.

In the non-watering test, tomatoes produced more intense ultrasound at a frequency of 35 sounds per hour, while cigarettes were 11. Thus, under different stress conditions, the plants emitted. different sounds and when not subjected to sudden stress, for a longer time, the sounds are also less painful.

" These findings may change the way we think about the kingdom of plants that have been considered silent in life until now," the team wrote in the report .

The above work is still being studied with other living conditions of trees such as wind and rain.

  • Science has found that plants also know "pain" when we eat them
Update 15 December 2019



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