Plants that clean the air in the house

Planting a pot of ivy, orchid, or betel nut ... will help the indoor air much healthier, and you will reduce the risk of cancer. Please refer to the healthy home grown plants below

Growing plants indoors not only beautifies your home and now you want to find plants that purify the air in your home effectively like regular spring, Italian orchid, betel nut . to grow indoors? Such types of ornamental plants work very well as well as being able to purify the air, absorb pollutants in the living environment, bringing a healthy and healthy living space to your family.

Carpeting or wall painting can create chemicals that pollute the air in your home. Fortunately, some indoor plants can help you filter the air effectively. Dr. Bill Wolverton, PhD, of Environmental Science, recommends planting a lot of plants indoors, so there should be at least 2 plant pots (about 25-30cm circumference) in an area of ​​about 30m 2 . Note that you should never water too much water because soil moisture can cause mold to grow.

Here are 10 plants you should grow indoors, according to an analysis by Bill Wolverton in the book "Plants: Why You Can't Live Without Them".

Indoor plants are healthy

1. Ivy (Ivy, Hedera Helix)

Picture 1 of Plants that clean the air in the house

This vines grow in small spaces. It also grows well in rooms with windows or light sunshine.

The dense foliage of ivy absorbs formaldehyde very well (also called hormone), one of the most common indoor air pollutants, which is used extensively in materials such as plywood, carpet, Insulating foam and wood plastic. These materials will release formaldehyde very slowly over time. Breathing with formaldehyde in high concentrations can cause eye irritation, lacrimation and headache, hot in the throat, difficulty breathing and cancer.

2. Lan Lan, also known as peaceful Hue (Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum)

Picture 2 of Plants that clean the air in the house

This is a hot, herbaceous plant, adapted to the environment with little light but requires regular watering and toxic to the pet . The inflorescence has a thick white color on the vertical branches, looks very arrogant. sa. Lan Y is suitable for planting in small pots in the home, office or on the terrace, lobby .

Plants can filter benzene VOC, a carcinogenic agent found in paints, polishes, and polishing waxes for furniture. It also neutralizes acetone, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene, which are emitted from electronics, adhesives and detergents.

3. Cloudy bamboo, also known as fern or fanless (Lady Palm, Rhapis Excelsa)

Picture 3 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Plants easy to grow, beautiful. 1-2 m high, the root has many secondary roots and lateral buds. The body is smooth, burning steadily, carrying a lot of dried sheaths left by the leaves. Plants love light or semi-shade, suitable for interior plants, small period requires shade, good drainage. Average water demand.

Plants filter well for ammonia, a substance that is very harmful to the respiratory system, which is the main ingredient in detergents, textiles, and dyes.

4. American Fern (Boston Fern, Nephrolepis Exaltata)

Picture 4 of Plants that clean the air in the house

This plant is suitable for hanging baskets in the house. It is considered one of the most effective air purifiers, but the demand for moisture is quite high.

Plants work especially well in formaldehyde removal. Some studies also show that it can remove toxic metals such as mercury and arsenic.

5. Tiger blade (Snake Plant, Sansevieria Trifasciata)

Picture 5 of Plants that clean the air in the house

This plant thrives in low light. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) and releases oxygen (a reversal of oxygen synthesis of most plants). Put a 2-pot container in your bedroom to increase oxygen while you sleep. In addition, you should also put this tree in the room with many printers and computers.

In addition to reducing carbon dioxide, the tiger blade also reduces formaldehyde and benzene in the air.

6. The betel nut tree, also called the royal heart, set the magnolia, (Golden Pothos, Epipremnum aureum)

Picture 6 of Plants that clean the air in the house

A vines that are easy to grow, heart-shaped leaves, deep blue or creamy yellow veins. You can put vines in the corner of the room or hang small plant pots near the window, they will make the room more lively and natural.

Like many vines, betel nut fixes the condition of indoor formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene.

7. Begonia Begonia (Wax Begonia, Begonia Semperflorens)

Picture 7 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Set in an area with abundant sunlight, the tree will produce beautiful white, pink and red flowers. Plants need good habitat for irrigation and good water, high humidity.

Plants can filter well benzene and toluene-borne chemicals, inherent in some waxes and adhesives. Toluen is mainly used as a solvent to dissolve many materials such as paints, plastic films for paints, printing inks, chemicals, rubber, inks, adhesives . Contact with toluene during the time Long enough time can get cancer.

8. Fragile examples, also known as the floating, red and red (Red-Edged Dracaena, Dracaena marginata)

Picture 8 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Tropical trees, thin, tall, small, small branches. The leaves are concentrated at the ends of the branches, the narrow-shaped shape is banded. Plants love light or semi-shade suitable for interior plants, average water demand. Suitable for rooms with high ceilings and moderate sunlight.

This plant can filter xylene gases, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, which is inherent in lacquer, oil painting, and waterproofing products.

9. Spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum

Picture 9 of Plants that clean the air in the house

This tree usually has a long stem, the end of the wire is a small white star-shaped flower. It looks like green leaves or white striped green leaves. Just irrigate when the soil is nearly dry. Trees love shade medium or sunny. This is a good choice for new gardeners.

Placing a plant pot on a pedestal or hanging a basket outside in a sunny window, the tree will help you filter formaldehyde, benzene molecules in the air.

10. Aloe vera, also called aloe vera (Aloe Vera)

Picture 10 of Plants that clean the air in the house

The plant grows fast, withstands dryness, heat and photophobia. Aloe can be displayed on the desk, door, water table .

Very familiar to ladies and gentlemen, because aloe vera is a wonderful beauty and skin care product. If you have burns or dark circles around your eyes, you can immediately remove the pruning branches very effectively. On the other hand, aloe vera absorbs well carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night so it is suitable to be placed in a bedroom or office without daylight.

11. Multi-red air purification, oxygen supply

Picture 11 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Red buds are also very good at air purification. Plants are extremely easy to grow, can easily grow in low temperature environments and lack of light. Planting red buds, you can help your living environment become much healthier without too much effort to care for the tree.

12. Planting bamboo palm trees in air-conditioned rooms

Picture 12 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Bamboo leaf palm has been evaluated by NASA scientists as one of the best air conditioner plants. This plant has a special ability to remove benzene and trichlorethylene in the air. Bamboo leaf palm should be planted in the shade and need lots of water.

Chrysanthemum coins

Picture 13 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Coins, which remove trichlorethylene, are commonly found in dry cleaning products and benzene in the air. Suitable coins are placed in the bedroom or washing machine area. The crop is colorful and needs lots of sunlight, so it is preferable to plant in a place near the window, cool.


Picture 14 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Orchid flowers absorb CO2 in the night and provide oxygen to the cool living space. That's why many people put orchids in a resting space to cherish sleep.

Coconut landscape

Picture 15 of Plants that clean the air in the house

Ornamental coconut trees are "apparatus" for filtering dust and poisons, suitable for living rooms or offices to help eliminate dirt and dust in the air. This plant helps convert CO2 into O 2 . On average, two ornamental coconut trees need to be at shoulder height, enough for fresh air to breathe. To take care of the tree, it is necessary to clean the leaf surface every day if it is in a dusty environment. Bring the plants outdoors every 3-4 months.

Update 16 December 2018



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