Pornographers spread out pictures on their blogs

Picture 1 of Pornographers spread out pictures on their blogs When personal websites (blogs) become a phenomenon in adolescents, the risk of them being exposed to pornography or pornography by strangers is inevitable.

According to a survey by David Huffaker, a researcher at Northwestern University, young bloggers (blog owners) are easily offended, chased and threatened by 70% disclosure of names, 61% of information provided. Other news such as e-mail, home or school addresses, cities . or links to their personal home page.

Huffaker said that more than half of the online blogs contain links to other bloggers' addresses through the "Friends list" and 70% of blogs contain "Comment" sections to receive replies. feedback from the reader. This is also where the bad guys look and use to spread pornographic ideas and publications.

However, Huffaker affirmed that personal web also plays an active role in developing children's communication, storytelling and information sharing. " Blog is no longer a personal diary, it has become a means to help children participate in the online community, express feelings, exchange experiences and form social relationships ," Huffaker comment.

Nearly 50% of blogs contain articles about lovers or stories such as "just met a handsome and dead guy at first sight ". In addition, most bloggers also discuss scores, exercises or MP3 music, lyrics and performances .