Premature babies weigh 720g

Premature babies weigh only 1.6 pounds (720g equivalent). Ruby Love Lambright girl has undergone treatment treatments after the baby was born less than 3 months old and her parents will have to pay $ 10,000.

Premature babies weigh only 1.6 pounds (720g equivalent). Ruby Love Lambright girl has undergone treatment treatments after the baby was born less than 3 months old and her parents will have to pay $ 10,000.

Local photographers heard about their predicament suggesting free portraits for families if they would give them as evidence.

The photos attracted 2,000 dollars of philanthropists and inspired more supporters to donate to the baby.

Picture 1 of Premature babies weigh 720g

Ruby Love Lambright girl

When Ruby Love Lambright was born, the baby weighed only about 1.6 pounds and was barely fit in her mother's hand.

Now this tiny baby from Minneapolis attracts philanthropists to help pay her baby's medical bills after hearing about her battle for life.

Picture 2 of Premature babies weigh 720g

After her mother Lauren Lambright gave birth at the 25th week, on July 4, this tiny baby was in the NICU for 4 months and underwent heart surgery, blood transfusions and eye exams. And during the struggle of the family, Ruby became his middle name.

Her mother said they named her so because they loved her so much: 'We have never loved anything so much in our whole life' and Ruby is the best definition she can think of. a miracle.

Picture 3 of Premature babies weigh 720g

However, Ruby Love Lambright's parents are struggling with their baby's treatment bills of up to $ 10,000.

When photographer Tiffany Kokal learned about Ruby's story, she used her photography skills to call for help for Ruby Love Lambright family. Kokal met Lambright's mother at her old job in a dental office. She said: 'When I met, they were very happy and happy.'

Now Love has weighed 7 pounds and has a relatively stable health condition.

Update 14 December 2018



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