Quirky inventions from manure and urinals themselves

Contraception, makeup, skin care, medicine ... are the few special uses of feces and urine.

Contraception, makeup, skin care, medicine . are the few special uses of feces and urine.

It is no coincidence that people call feces and urine a 'waste'. These are the excess substances that our bodies remove themselves from the environment when they are no longer needed.

However, according to the historical process, many uses of this "waste" have been found, showing the relentless discoveries of humankind.

1. Contraception thanks to crocodile stool

A medical document from 1850 BC mentioned an ancient Egyptian contraceptive method. This document provides a formula for preparing oral contraceptives - using crocodile excrement mixed with fermented dough or mixed with honey and potassium nitrate.

Picture 1 of Quirky inventions from manure and urinals themselves

Feces and mixtures of adhesives such as honey can keep and prevent sperm from getting them deeper. But why do ancient Egyptians use crocodile species? That's because according to their beliefs, alligators are related to the Set Spirit - the god of miscarriage.

Unfortunately, according to scientific explanation, crocodile manure is not the best choice. The alkalinity of the stool can reduce the acidity in the vagina, making it easier for women to conceive.

2. Remove clothes and dental plaque from urine

Before making soap, people sought to use all available ingredients for cleaning. In ancient Rome, people used urine to wash clothes.

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A laundromat in Rome named 'fullo' hired young men to stand at the street corners to collect urine from pedestrians. After that, they brought clothes to dip into the mixture of ordinary water and urine to clean.

According to recorded documents, ammonia present in urine has a strong cleansing effect. Moreover, urine also makes the fabric softer, smoother and more durable. In addition, the ancient Romans also sucked urine as a way to whiten teeth, remove stains on teeth.

3. Manufacturing makeup powder and lotion

In ancient times, Greek women often took fleece and used sweat on it to make facial lotion and cover dark spots. And crocodile stool is not only used to make birth control pills but also to be dried to cover the face, making the skin become brighter.

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In addition, manure is also used as a makeup ingredient. Lead carbonate (white in color) is loved by Queen Elizabeth I and is popular with skin whitening. This method has been favored by European and Middle Eastern women for centuries.

In the early 1800s, a Roman man revealed the recipe for making lead carbonate. First, he mixed lead with vinegar to make white powder, then he used horse manure to cover outside the container to keep the temperature at 50 - 68 degrees Celsius. Manure is easy to find, cheap and can be Easy to remove when people need. When used, users add vinegar to the jar and remove the finished product.

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Lead carbonate has become the most popular and easy-to-make ornament in the sixteenth century. However, this whitish dye can cause lead poisoning, damage the skin and cause hair loss. Even if used for long periods of time can be fatal.

4. Manufacturing powder gun powder

In 1862, a professor at the University of South Carolina published a book that showed how to make gunpowder. One of the extremely important ingredients he mentioned is potassium nitrate, also known as saltpeter (white, used to preserve food, make medicines and make gunpowder).

Salt can be found in nature by shaving cave walls, but when civil war occurs, the demand for gunpowder skyrocketed, making it scarce. So people have sought to make matches.

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They poured ammonia in urine into the feces to extract potassium nitrate. When the chemical process takes place, decomposing the manure, the liquid evaporates and leaves a white layer of glass powder on top, which is potassium nitrate. People cut off the white powder and used it to make gunpowder.

This process needs to be continually supplied with urine so that the Confederation of Southern States states that the duty of patriotic citizens is to reserve their urine for use in processing. create gunpowder.

5. Making drugs from cows' urine

Few people suspected that urine of cows was used as medicine in India. Hindus often use cows to sacrifice and value them as spiritual and material gifts. They believe that cow urine can cure many diseases, from blood pressure, intestinal diseases such as heart disease, cancer, even AIDS.

According to the analysis, cows' urine contains large amounts of iron, nitrogen, sulfur, sodium and other minerals that can balance the concentration of substances in the human body. The Association of Medical Methodists also said that the amount of copper in cows' urine will turn into gold and thereby eliminate toxins in the human body (?!).

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Fresh cow dung is valuable to heal wounds while dry cow dung is often used to effectively exfoliate on the face. But not all cows produce such valuable urine and feces - only the 'virgin' cows are selected.

However, is cow's waste really amazing? Some argue that these are unfounded applications, but others are really attracted by the analysis of scientists.

The remedy with patented anti-infection effects of cow urine has been patented in the United States. This opens up new opportunities for future research. Although there is no clear evidence that cow urine is resistant to cancer, a scientific study found the ability to prevent urine kidney stones in rats.

6. Clean the water source with manure

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Water pollution is now a serious problem and very difficult to solve worldwide. A British scientist began to study how to use manure as an important material in his water filtration system. Stool neutralizes the acid and removes other contaminants from the water source.

This effect is due in large part to a bacterium called Desulfovibrio found in animal waste. This bacterium starts a chain of reactions and eventually cleanses all dirt.

Stool of cow, horse or camel has this effect. According to the researchers, this method of water purification is a big saving for the country. Although people do not like drinking water that is cleaned from feces, this system has the ability to clean water in large lakes and ponds, turning this place into a habitat for many animal and plant species.

Update 14 December 2018



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