Rainbow waterfall flows along the cliff at an altitude of over 400 meters

The rainbow colors converging on Yosemite waterfall are 440 meters high, creating an extremely rare natural wonder.

The rainbow colors converging on Yosemite waterfall are 440 meters high, creating an extremely rare natural wonder.

Picture 1 of Rainbow waterfall flows along the cliff at an altitude of over 400 meters

Yosemite waterfall has a brilliant rainbow color.(Photo: Greg Harlow).

The first rays from the Sun are reflected by water sprayed from Yosemite Falls in California, USA, causing the entire waterfall to turn into a flowing rainbow. Photographer Greg Harlow saw and recorded the scene while waiting for the Sun to rise in the Sierra Nevada at Yosemite National Park's Glacier Point, Story Trender reported on February 6.

"First, the waterfall turns red, then transforms into the spectrum of a rainbow full of colors. Only two people in our group have the opportunity to witness this beautiful sight," Harlow said.

"It is a rare phenomenon due to the need to gather a series of special conditions, but the main factor here is the strong winds that rarely occur in the Yosemite Valley. The spectrum covered the waterfall more than 440 meters. The spectacle can only use the magic word to describe , " Harlow said.

Update 16 December 2018



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