Research: Personality affects how we move our eyes

And researchers are also developing algorithms that are able to recognize personality through those movements.

According to Newsweek, eyes are a tool that allows us to feel the world around us and many people consider it to be the window of the soul. In fact, a recent scientific study shows how the eyes are affected by our personality.

Picture 1 of Research: Personality affects how we move our eyes
How to move the eyes is affected by our character.

Scientists found that people with similar personality traits tend to move their eyes in similar ways. For example, optimists spend less time observing negative stimuli, such as cancer images, while curious people tend to look at all areas of a scene.

Recently, a team of international researchers from organizations in Australia and Germany tried to learn more about the relationship between personality and eye movement by developing a special machine learning algorithm.

For the new study - published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience - researchers gave 42 students at South Australia's Flinders University a special pair of spectacles. They then asked participants to walk around the campus and visit a store, as well as complete a questionnaire, recording personality traits with five main groups , including: taking off open (ready to experience - openness to experience), conscientiousness, extrovert (extraversion), agreeableness and psychological instability (neuroticism).

Picture 2 of Research: Personality affects how we move our eyes
Character traits with 5 main groups.

Using algorithms, scientists find that they can predict four of those characteristics - psychological instability, outwardness, comfort, dedication - as well as cognitive curiosity that only Based on eye movement data.

Currently, their technique is only 7% to 15% better than predicting personality with other conventional methods, but scientists note that they have only collected data for 42 days. When the algorithm receives more eye tracking data, its predictions will become more and more accurate.

Furthermore, the scientists' findings "reveal a new relationship between traits and eye traits that we have previously forgotten". The findings of the study may allow the design of computer systems - including robots, smartphones and self-driving cars - that can automatically read the user's personality based on eye tracking data and have Can customize their experience accordingly.