Reveal a very rare image of a giant snowfall in the Arctic of Mars

NASA's Mars reconnaissance mission recently captured an incredible picture of a giant avalanche on the red planet.

NASA's Mars reconnaissance mission recently captured an incredible picture of a giant avalanche on the red planet.

Picture 1 of Reveal a very rare image of a giant snowfall in the Arctic of Mars

Photos of extremely rare ice landslides on Mars.

Experts believe the avalanche was created by a giant block of snow breaking from the Arctic Arctic.

When it fell to the surface of the cliff, ice scattered a cloud of dust, creating a red cloud on the surface of the planet.

"Every spring, the Sun shines next to the Martian Arctic layers of ice called Arctic polar sediments . The heat destabilizes the ice and breaks up the ice.

When they reached the bottom of the cliff face that was over 500 meters high, the rocks flew into a cloud of dust. The underlying layers have different colors and textures depending on the amount of dust mixed with the rocks, ' says Candy Hansen from the University of Arizona.

The event actually happened in May, but for various reasons it was only recently announced by engineers at the University of Arizona who worked with the Mars reconnaissance ship.

  • Landslide on Mars
  • A close-up of Mars during the ice age
Update 14 September 2019



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