Revealing the secret of the golden ratio

Recently, a Duke University scientist claimed to have discovered the secret behind the prevalence of the golden ratio, which is due to evolution.

A Duke University scientist claims to have discovered the secret behind the popularity of the golden ratio, which is due to evolution.

The golden ratio describes a rectangle with a length of about 1.5 times the width (exactly 1,618), also known as the golden ratio, golden figure or god ratio .

This ratio is the inspiration of many mathematicians and artists for centuries. The ancient Egyptians used it to design the Great Pyramids, the ancient Athenian architecture relied heavily on it and many artists had the works taken from the golden proportions. Leonardo da Vinci used this ratio to portray Mona Lisa and Vitruvian Man.

Picture 1 of Revealing the secret of the golden ratio

In painting, the golden ratio appears very much in the form of a yellow rectangle . Starting by drawing a square with a side then dividing one edge out, then centering the edge, drawing a circle with radius is the distance from that midpoint to one of the other two vertices of the image. square, cut the edge containing the midpoint at one point, connect that point as shown, we will have a yellow rectangle.

Recently, a Duke University scientist claimed to have discovered the secret behind the prevalence of the golden ratio, which is due to evolution.

Picture 2 of Revealing the secret of the golden ratio

A golden rectangle with edges of length follows the golden ratio

Adrian Bejan, a professor of mechanics at Duke University, said that the golden ratio is the best geometric ratio because the human eye can quickly scan an image when it is in the form of a rectangle whose lengths follow ratios. gold.

"When you look at artworks and buildings, you'll see the gold ratio everywhere , " Bejan said. "The eyes of people receiving information are much more effective when viewed from left to right or from right to left versus vertical " .

Picture 3 of Revealing the secret of the golden ratio

The Parthenon Temple also hides a golden rectangle in design

In 1996, Bejan developed the "Constructal Law" theory, in which he argued that every finite system (circulation, inner movement) had to minimize imperfections and best practices. In order to do that, it is best to distribute the imperfections to the system (not destroy them).

The optimal distribution of imperfections will create the shape of the system, which is the process of evolution. This theory suggests that circulation systems such as bronchial and river deltas are formed during evolution to make the flow easier to handle through optimal imperfect distribution.

Bejan believes that this theory can explain the popularity of the golden ratio in nature due to evolution based on imperfect distribution.

Picture 4 of Revealing the secret of the golden ratio

The Mona Lisa's face fits in a golden rectangle

Bejan argues that the observation of the outside world is basically horizontal, no difference between a person watching a picture or an antelope watching the meadow. For antelope, danger often lurks from behind, not from above or below. Therefore, its vision will evolve in the direction of expanding the horizontal view. Vision has grown, in the direction of making animals become faster, smarter, and safer.

In humans, the flat oval shape of the eye also proves that this rule is also true for us. This evolution also makes the process of processing image information in the brain go in a horizontal direction.

Picture 5 of Revealing the secret of the golden ratio

The length of the body parts of the Vitruvian Man also obeys the golden ratio

"When animals develop observation organs, they minimize the risk from the front and sides , " Bejan said. "This makes the animals on Earth evolve towards a safer and more efficient way. The growth of animals goes in a way that is conducive to survival, less dangerous and less threatening."

For Bejan, vision and awareness evolve together and are part of movement. The increased efficiency of transmitting information from the outside world through the eyes to the brain corresponds to the transfer of information through the branching architecture of nerves and brain.

Picture 6 of Revealing the secret of the golden ratio

Adrian Bejan argues that his theory of "Law of formation" may explain the prevalence of the golden ratio in life because of the evolution towards the optimal distribution of imbalance.

In many books and documents over the past decade, Bejan has demonstrated the theory of laws that formulates a series of design systems for natural circulation, from biology, geography to communal kinetics. Assembly and technological progress.

The most recent application of the theory to explain the mysteries of the golden ratio appears in the International Journal of Design, Nature and Ecology (International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics).

Update 15 December 2018



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