Right heart - special deformities

The visceral deformity reversed with the heart on the right side of the chest that is common in people with coronary artery disease or rheumatic heart valve disease. Although the heart is " lost ", their lifespan is the same as normal people.

Picture 1 of Right heart - special deformities (Photo: SK&S) The right heart is one of the earliest known congenital abnormalities. Anatomist Marco Aurelio Severino was the first to describe it in 1643. There are two main clinical forms:

Right heart and visceral reversal : The most common form. In this case, the heart and other organs in the chest and abdomen are in a " mirror " position compared to normal. At that time, the heart and stomach are on the right, and the liver is on the left. This is a common congenital abnormality and the heart usually has a normal structure. This abnormality can be detected by chest radiography by chance and by physical examination.

People who reverse the right organs and heart on the right have the same lifespan as other normal people, often in the group of acquired heart diseases such as coronary artery disease or acute rheumatic heart valve disease. If the patient has angina or myocardial infarction, the pain position is usually the right chest area, spreads to the right shoulder and right arm (instead of left). Pain due to appendicitis appears in the left pelvic hole, pain of cholecystitis pain in the lower left flank, contrary to common sense.

Right heart and no visceral reversal : Less common. The viscera in the chest and abdomen are in a normal position while the heart and heart are on the right. A couple of normal heart structures should delay the detection of these abnormalities. However, most patients have congenital abnormalities in the heart structure.

Currently, the discovery of abnormal organs has been possible since the fetal period. If there is an abnormal position of the heart, the doctor will advise how to care for and the attention needed for the patient. The person who has identified this malformation should have a healthy lifestyle, avoiding bad heart effects. If there are signs of disease, should be examined and treated early in cardiovascular centers.