Ringtones affect memory
Keeping your mobile phone in silent mode can help you remember things more easily because the ringtone tones, especially the catchy songs you like, can distract you, follow the news page Top News.
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A study by the University of Washington (USA) shows that students score significantly lower in tests after exposure to ringtones.
The worst results were recorded after these students were allowed to listen to a song they liked.
Leaving your phone in silent mode will help you remember better the ringtone tone
'Many of us see cell phones ringing in public places as disturbing disturbances, this study confirms these annoying noises also work in real life. Not only do they cause disruptions, but they also affect learning , 'said Jill Shelton, lead researcher.
The study included an experiment in which Ms. Shelton pretended to be a student sitting in the middle of a crowd of students during a psychological lecture at Louisiana State University and giving the phone in a bag to shout in about 30 seconds.
Students who hear the phone ring score 25% lower when undergoing documentary tests are introduced before the bell rings as well as the content presented during the time of the phone ringing.
The lower the students score when Ms. Shelton added her "disruptive action" by frantically rummaging through her bag as if she wanted to find the phone and turn it off.
Perhaps most surprising is that the study shows that unexpected exposure to passages of a popular song, such as those commonly used as ringtones, can have a longer negative impact on the concentrate.
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