Romance lasts only 1 year

It is possible that many couples are in love with disagreements, but Italian scientists claim that romantic love feelings last only for more than a year.

Picture 1 of Romance lasts only 1 year The team at Pavia University found a chemical in the brain responsible for the first love emotions. That increased protein level will lead to feelings of lightheadedness and dependence that people often experience at the beginning of the affair. But after studying new love, long-term love and single people, they found that protein content decreased over time.

The team analyzed the transformation of proteins called neurotrophin in the blood vessels of boys and girls aged 18-31. They looked at 58 new people who entered the garden and compared the protein content of 58 people who had long-term relationships and single people.

In those who are new to the NGF (nerve growth factor) protein relationship, it creates signs such as a good hand-feel and a higher sense of restlessness. In people who have been in love for more than a year, NGF levels fall to normal levels.

Research author Piergluigi Politi said that the result does not mean that the other people no longer love each other, but that love is not as intense as it was in the beginning. " Love has become more stable. Romance seems to be over ."

" Our current knowledge of the physiological mind of romantic love is still limited. This study shows that biochemical mechanisms can participate in the change of human mood, occurring from the the first part of the relationship until it's stable, "Politi said.