Save your crushed hands by ... feeding your stomach

British doctors decided to open an incision in the abdomen, sewing the boy's hand into his stomach. Within 3 weeks, the tissue that should have been removed has gradually recovered and the boy has the opportunity to reshape the hand.

20-year-old Antony Seward was trained to become a professional firefighter. While waiting to complete his studies and take on the task, he got a job at Heathcoat Fabrics Ltd and had a terrible accident due to the unsafe working environment here. A machine rolled and crushed more than half of his left hand.

Picture 1 of Save your crushed hands by ... feeding your stomach
The hand was kept in Antony stomach for 3 weeks and lived - (DAILY MAIL photo).

Doctors in Southmead (Bristol, England) decided to make a unique treatment regimen. Instead of having to remove many of the broken tissue in the hand, remove 4 fingers and one part below, or more, if the tissue continues to necrete, they decide to keep as much as possible and try to feed they live by . feeding in the stomach.

Picture 2 of Save your crushed hands by ... feeding your stomach
Antony when he took his hand off his stomach.His hands are alive, but one is attached - (DAILY MAIL image).

Antony is incisioned on the abdomen, sewn the injured hand. After three weeks, the crushed tissue escaped death. However, the lesions develop quite chaotic, sticking together and initially doctors have to graft skin and sew into a block.

After the wound healed, Antony began to undergo more surgeries to separate and shape his fingers. The forming process has to be carried out many times, because the hand cannot bear the separation of 5 fingers at a time, the surgery will be damaged and necrotic. There have been 2 surgeries conducted within 1 year and "finger block" has been split into 3 parts. He will continue to have surgery to shape his hand, maybe some fingers will be added with a toe to return the most realistic hand shape and restore the function.

Picture 3 of Save your crushed hands by ... feeding your stomach
Currently, he has just undergone two more surgeries to separate the 3-finger block. He also has to separate his fingers once and create plastic surgery - (DAILY MAIL image).

Antony thinks the doctors did an extraordinary job. The thing that bothered him the most was now with his hand like now, he still couldn't do the job of the fireman he dreamed of.

The company where Mr Antony was killed was fined £ 300,000 by Stephen Nicholls County Court for violating safety regulations. Prosecutor Paul Mannell, a health safety expert, said barrier measures to prevent contact between humans and the device were damaged and removed, but were not replaced. repaired within 2 years and 7 months, until Antony suffered. He also said that in order to temporarily call for recovery, Antony had to undergo at least 6 regular surgeries and practice physiotherapy.