The flag was pulled up by the three firefighters on the rubble after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks returned officially after 15 years of disappearance.

A woman claimed to see ghosts hidden among the smoke in the fire on her farm in Idaho, USA.

A Florida firefighter who joined the local fishing competition was surprised to find a giant grouper.

California's largest forest fire is still out of control, while rescue teams continue to find more bodies, bringing the death toll to 63 victims and more than 630 people missing.

A member of the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service Team, Ashby Station posted a video on Facebook, showing loud rumbles in the fire in Albert Village.

PyroLance Firearms spray water with extremely high pressure, can penetrate concrete and metal, help improve fire fighting ability.

British doctors decided to open an incision in the abdomen, sewing the boy's hand into his stomach.

This artificial intelligence system (AI) uses sensors mounted on firefighter clothing. AI will judge and give advice to those who do this rescue work.

South Korean scientists create equipment to infiltrate the fire and inform the situation at the scene, helping firefighters deliver the fastest possible action plan.

The secret of the new fabric is synthetic fibers, also known as aramid fibers with special magnetic-alloy coating.