School for British nobility: Being like a fairy but suffering is more than a normal school

In the UK, there is a school that is considered

In the UK, there is a school that is considered "noble training". But nobles not only have flashy class outside .

What is a noble life? Many people will think about a life of luxury, wealth, the humble servant, go everywhere "one step to sit on the four wheels" . And of course, the school for aristocrats should also be bold regal, rich - at least in the minds of the emerging rich, trying to send their children to England to learn the royal style.

One of Britain's most famous aristocratic schools is the Eton boarding school - where princes and royal princes attend.

Picture 1 of School for British nobility: Being like a fairy but suffering is more than a normal school

Eton - British noble school.

Happy as first

With a high tuition of up to £ 36,000 / year (more than VND 1 billion), meals for students here are always "quality".

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The kitchen staff attentively prepared meals for the students.

Picture 3 of School for British nobility: Being like a fairy but suffering is more than a normal school

Meat dishes are extremely popular with Eton students .

Meat is a lot of nonsense, which is the rib, is a spicy Portuguese chicken (peri peri chicken), which is a braised chicken duck confit French, goat, Nando's spicy chicken . The salad also has 5 - 7 types for students to choose from, the dessert dishes are also vast . look is enough to make people salivate.

Depending on the term, the average price of each student's meal is about £ 37 (equivalent to more than VND 1 million / meal).

Picture 4 of School for British nobility: Being like a fairy but suffering is more than a normal school

The average cost of each student's meal at the school is about 37 pounds.

But suffering .

In addition to enjoying countless delicious dishes, students can only sleep on hard beds without warm blankets. Even other popular schools, students can sleep on soft mattresses. Eton's study program is also more stressful and arduous than popular schools.

Picture 5 of School for British nobility: Being like a fairy but suffering is more than a normal school

When everyone is beautiful, talented, competitive pressure must be terrible.

Why? Because Eton is considered a school for noble people, or people with a lot of money. It sounds easy, but this makes the competitive pressure here increase . When everyone around you is rich, everyone has status and talent, obviously you have to have a steel spirit to not feel the pressure on yourself.

Moreover, for the British and Europeans in general, nobles are not simply sitting in a villa, buying super luxury cars, playing golf nights - the sport of the rich. It is a spirit, and wanting that spirit requires discipline, responsibility, and courage.

Therefore, aristocratic schools - including Eton - often teach in "militarized" style - strict and arduous, to increase the sense of discipline and the sense of cooperation among students. For them, nobles must be strong people with a high sense of discipline, and to achieve that, all must be trained right from the school.

Picture 6 of School for British nobility: Being like a fairy but suffering is more than a normal school

Eton's study program is also more stressful and arduous than popular schools.

In addition, as a wealthy school, Eton has scholarships called Kings Scholars - the king's scholarship , and it is one of the most difficult and stressful scholarships in the world.

With more than 40 different tests, dozens of difficult requirements, only outstanding students can win it.

The school for "oven" to 19 British prime ministers

A school is not the most expensive, the score is not the highest, but there are many alumni who are the prime minister - that's Eton. According to statistics, the school has successfully trained 19 British prime ministers. In addition, Thai and Northern Irish prime ministers are also expected to attend here.

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Former British prime minister David Cameron is also a former Eton.

But how? According to Nick Fraser, author of the book "The Importance of an Eton" , contrary to academic programs, student life here is relatively free - of course "within the framework". Specifically, students are free to prepare for later political careers, as shown by the many groups, clubs and activities of the school are managed and organized by students themselves.

"The boys voted for each other to increase their influence. It means that from a very early age, they already know how to campaign" - Fraser said.


With a school for aristocrats, the truth inside is what makes people surprised. But perhaps, it was only surprising to those who had never been exposed to the noble spirit of Westerners.

Because, what they worship is not a fast-paced spirit, not a luxurious, leisurely life to win a high position; It is the pioneering spirit towards the nuclear value system: honor, responsibility, courage, discipline.

Update 18 December 2018



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