Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

Our planet's lifespan is certainly several billion years away, but its existence is also fragile.

The dangers are almost entirely from the Universe, we cannot act to prevent any of these cases.

Life has gone through millions of years of evolution to get us today. Many people believe that only a small randomness - a chemical reaction with almost zero rate occurred - has created life on Earth, there are people who do not think so. But I do not talk about the long distance in which life has gone, I will talk about the lost-million-year-new-life life WILL disappear: nothing is eternal.

Our planet's lifespan is certainly several billion years away, but its existence is also fragile. These are the ways that the Earth may go, according to research and research scientists.

1. will cool

Picture 1 of Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

Surrounding the Earth is a shield called the magnetosphere. This barrier is made possible by the rotation of the Earth, in particular by the Earth's metal core consisting of a solution of iron and nickel (outer core) wrapped around a giant piece of metal (inner core), creating a field electricity surrounds the Earth.

This electric field reflects the energy particles emitted from the Sun, causing these energy particles to change shape and size.

Beams of energy particles when shot on Earth or will create beautiful aurora, or will create geomagnetic storms that can erase the civilization that we know. Bad luck.

And if that metal core cools, the magnetosphere protecting the Earth will disappear. Solar Storms will hit the Earth directly.

There is no need to set up a simulator to see what happens, we can see immediately the consequences of this is Mars: billions of years ago, Mars had water and a thick atmosphere, but after being attacked by the Sun, Mars lost everything that could sustain life and turned into today's arid Red Planet.

2. and bulge out

Thanks to the Sun, life on Earth can remain as it is now. But the Sun itself is a star, but why is it life expectancy? The sun will die.

Picture 2 of Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

Currently, the Sun has "traveled halfway" , is still steadily turning hydrogen into helium through the process of atomic integration. But in a few billion years, hydrogen will run out, the Sun will conduct fusion of helium.

This chemical reaction is stronger, contains more energy and will cause the Sun to expand. As you know, the bigger the object, the greater the attraction, the closer our Earth will get to the Sun, and everything will end when this huge amount of heat destroys the Green Planet.

Either that, or the Sun pushes us out of its orbit. Humans (if still on Earth) will travel together on a giant ship named Earth. There is something we will not live long without the Sun.

3. The Earth will have a bad trajectory

In the process of forming stars and planets around it, there will be a lot of planets deviating from orbit. In a simulator program scientists set up to study, they found that in the Milky Way, the ratio of stars is equivalent to the rate of orbiting planets of 1 / 100,000.

The planets can "stray" into the Solar System, or push into a bad orbit around the Sun, or they will push us out of the Solar System. At that time, the Earth could collide with neighboring planets, causing incalculable consequences.

4. Or worse, some orbital planet stabbed straight into Earth

Picture 3 of Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

However, this is not without precedent in Earth's history. About 4.5 billion years ago, a small planet crashed into the (old) Earth, forming a new Earth and the Moon still flying around our orbit.

A new collision will probably erase the life we ​​know. Gradually the newly formed planet after this collision will recover (like the old Earth), but it is hard to say if survival can multiply.

5. Or "softer", the Earth is hit by asteroids or asteroids

Picture 4 of Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

The consequences of the bombing of the Earth can be seen in many Hollywood movies. If any alien species finds these movies in the ruins of a lifeless Earth, they will think it is a documentary.

In the past, several hundred million years after formation, the Earth was constantly visited by meteors. The bumps were so strong that the ocean covered the Earth hot and hot for a long time. The unicellular organisms are almost destroyed, only good heat-resistant microorganisms can survive.

The great creatures of the day (for example, humans) will not be able to survive through a bombardment of meteors. Air temperature will probably reach 480 degrees Celsius and it will be difficult for us to survive.

6. The Earth may come too close to a cosmic black hole

Picture 5 of Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

A cosmic black hole flew in space, "swallowing" everything in its path was not something to scare children at night, it was completely real.

We don't even know much about black holes, but just knowing that it is so thick that light doesn't escape, the small Earth has a chance to survive?

Luckily, black holes will not swallow us, will only create a natural disaster or throw us out of the inherent orbit, straight into the Sun. Good luck.

7. An extremely powerful gamma-ray burst will destroy Earth's atmosphere

Picture 6 of Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

This is the phenomenon that creates the most powerful power in the Universe: it is an extremely powerful energy pulse fired from a black hole.

With such tremendous devastation, many scientists have argued that this is why until now we have not found life outside of Earth, most likely they have also been wiped out by a gamma ray shot. random in the pillar.

Gamma rays fly at the speed of light and it is possible that right now a gamma ray is heading towards Earth and we will not have an alarm system to warn it, we will not know what What happens until gamma rays come in and destroy every creature.

8. The universe will be torn to pieces in an event called "Big Rip - Big Rip"

Picture 7 of Scientists think that these are the eight most likely cases of life eradication

And not only does the Earth not survive, this entire Universe will dissipate.

This is possible because dark energy is making the Universe grow wider and at the current speed, about 22 billion years from now, the force of holding two atoms together will be torn apart, the whole universe will turn into a giant radioactive lump.

If it is true that life always finds a way to survive as a scientist in some Hollywood movie has said, don't worry about doing anything. Earth is doomed, there must still be life somewhere in the Universe will still develop, maybe even redone from the beginning.

Update 18 December 2018



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