Secret 1.2 billion years under the Grand Canyon

The mystery lies beneath the wonders of America's Grand Canyon, which has been a subject of interest in geology for several centuries.

The "great complex" is a rock class that demonstrates geological change in 1.2 billion years. Scientists are anxious to know where this 3m thick rock layer has gone, as it will help complete the geological record at times when there is no documentation.

Picture 1 of Secret 1.2 billion years under the Grand Canyon
Spectacular view in the Grand Canyon.

To understand the mystery of this 2 billion years, there must be some basic knowledge of geography. With mountainous terrain, mud and mud will be brought down to the lowlands with oceans, rivers and lakes, deposited into sediments.

We can learn about the climate cycle, biochemical and extinction problems or a multitude of complex problems related to that sediment.

However, what if the sediment array disappears? How to identify the geological history in that area? This is what happened in the Grand Canyon. The lost rock layer is called the "great complex" , including sediment between two layers of rocks of different ages.

What is the cause of this stone disappear? During the Rodinia rift, the earth's crust split up and created the watersheds of the southwestern United States, simultaneously revealing ancient sediments and causing the "great complex" to disappear, carrying the secrets of billions of years of history.

Picture 2 of Secret 1.2 billion years under the Grand Canyon
The lost rock layer is called the "great complex".

To imagine a whole period of such history is extremely difficult, which is why geologists are so excited when they finally find an array of this soil and stone complex 120 years ago. .