Severe shock when detecting cockroaches living in the skull

A woman in India was shocked when she discovered that cockroaches lived in her skull for hours .

RT news agency on February 4 reported that the unlucky woman, Selvi, 42, went to see a doctor at a hospital in Chennai earlier this week because of a sudden headache. According to Mrs. Selvi, she suddenly awoke in the middle of the night because of the feeling of "having something crawling in the right nostril".

"My first reaction was to brush my hand away while I was not awake. However, I have not done anything before it crawled in. I cannot describe that feeling but I am sure it is a kind of Every time it moves, I feel burning in my eyes, "said Selvi.

Picture 1 of Severe shock when detecting cockroaches living in the skull

Picture 2 of Severe shock when detecting cockroaches living in the skull
Image recorded from the surgery to remove cockroaches in the head of Mrs. Selvi.(Photo: SWNS).

After that, the woman quickly joined her son to the nearest clinic but found nothing unusual. The next day, feeling unwell, she went to Stanley Hospital in Chennai. Here, doctors discovered the horrible animal in Mrs. Selvi's skull.

Dr. MN Shankar, the head of the Otolaryngology Department at the hospital, said: "This is the first time I have had this case in three decades of practice. The cockroach is located at the base of the skull, between the eyes and quite close. If the brain is not detected early, it can die in it and cause an infected patient to spread to the brain . "

During the 45-minute surgery, the doctors had to "drag" the cockroach off the part where they could take it out. The tricky thing is that the animal also clings to the tissues inside Mrs. Selvi's head, forcing the doctor to use forceps and suction to remove it, according to the Times of India.

Finally, the cockroach was also taken out after living in Mrs. Selvi's skull for nearly 12 hours.