Smoking is at risk of insane

People who smoke a lot of cigarettes are more likely to develop alzheimer's and other forms of dementia than those who have quit or do not smoke.

Research shows that 50% of smokers over 55 years of age are more susceptible to dementia than people of the same age without smoking. Dr. Monique Breteler of Eramus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Holland and colleagues have made the above research results.

Picture 1 of Smoking is at risk of insane In the journal Neurology, Breteler and colleagues reported, they have tracked about 7,000 people aged 55 and over within 7 years. Among them, 706 people suffer from the disease.

The risk of dementia is caused by a gene called APOE4 or E4 polipoprotein. Smoking does not affect the risk of Alzheimer's disease for people with this gene segment. And those without this gene will have 70% if they smoke.

Breteler said that smoking is the cause of strokes, damaging the skin and leading to memory loss. In addition, tobacco also increases the pathology associated with cerebral blood vessels.

These diseases are also closely linked to the cause of dementia.

Nguyen Chi