Snacks cost only a few thousand but can prevent lung cancer up to 19%

Studies have shown that yogurt has a number of probiotics and live bacteria. They have effective anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, especially lung cancer.

Currently, the 'Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020' recommends not consuming more than three servings of milk a day and advising choosing low-fat or low-fat versions. This is because one study found that saturated fat in all-fat products increased LDL cholesterol in the blood - the main cause of heart-related diseases.

However, previous evidence suggests that some of the nutrients in dairy products including calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins K1 and K2, and probiotics (in yogurt) can help diet. should be healthier. Another study has also shown that eating dairy products, especially cheese and yogurt, helps reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes - but these findings are inconsistent.

The team from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville Tennessee said their findings proved that consumption of milk and dairy products should be supported, and that they are essential for human health because the potential benefits they bring.

Picture 1 of Snacks cost only a few thousand but can prevent lung cancer up to 19%
Researchers have found that people who eat one serving of yogurt daily have a 20% lower risk of developing the disease than those who do not eat.

The new study, published in JAMA Oncology , looked at 10 studies from the US, Europe and Asia involving more than 1.44 million people.

They analyzed the fiber and yogurt intake that participants consumed, and then tracked how many patients had lung cancer. Results showed that people who ate about one jar of yogurt a day reduced their risk of developing lung cancer by 19%.

In addition, eating a diet high in fiber - including fruits, vegetables and bread - also reduces the risk of lung cancer by about 15%, regardless of the consumption of yogurt.

Most interestingly, if participants took a high-fiber diet and ate a daily serving of yogurt, the risk of lung cancer was reduced by up to 33%.

Researchers believe that the reduced risk of lung cancer comes from the prebiotic found in a diet high in the fiber and probiotics found in yogurt.Prebiotics are a type of fiber that is hard to digest by the human body and a food for probiotics - that is, live bacteria and yeast. Both prebiotics and probiotics promote the health of the digestive system and immune system. Besides, they are also able to prevent the development of lung cancer by workers, as well as have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties.

Picture 2 of Snacks cost only a few thousand but can prevent lung cancer up to 19%
The risk of lung cancer sharply decreases from the prebiotic found in yogurt.

However, the team said more research is needed to confirm this hypothesis more firmly.'Although more research is needed to confirm these findings and address deep-seated issues, our study shows a novel combination of foods including dietary fiber and milk. Sour can bring great health benefits, especially the ability to prevent lung cancer , 'the authors write.

This study was conducted based on a survey published earlier this year from Harvard Medical School. The survey found that men who consumed two or more servings of yogurt each week reduced their risk of developing precancerous cancer in their colon by 26%.

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  2. What happens if you eat yogurt in the winter?