Snakes are very aggressive but not poisonous and are useful for agriculture

A species of snake widely distributed in Vietnam, possessing an aggressive nature even though it is not venomous. This snake is very good at catching mice, so it is considered a beneficial species for agriculture.

A species of snake widely distributed in Vietnam, possessing an aggressive nature even though it is not venomous . This snake is very good at catching mice, so it is considered a beneficial species for agriculture.

Tiger horse - A snake species that is widely distributed and easily seen in Vietnam

The snake mentioned above is the cobra, also known as the garter snake or dragon snake, with the scientific name Coelognathus radiata. This is a species of snake in the water snake family, distributed from India, Bangladesh to Southeast Asia, including Vietnam.

In Vietnam, this species of snake is distributed throughout the country , often found in the delta and midland areas, can be found in areas with many trees, bushes or in abandoned rat burrows. . Cobras are good climbers, so they can also be found on bushes, sometimes on roofs.

Picture 1 of Snakes are very aggressive but not poisonous and are useful for agriculture

Cobras are easy to identify thanks to the characteristic patterns on their face and body (Photo: Dan Rosenberg).

The adult cobra can be up to 2 meters long. This snake is easy to identify thanks to its body characteristics. From the snake's eyes there are three small black lines, two running obliquely down to the upper edge, and one running through the temple. The snake's body has 4 black lines, running from the nape down to more than half of the body, the two large middle lines run continuously, the two side lines are smaller and interrupted.

Picture 2 of Snakes are very aggressive but not poisonous and are useful for agriculture

Characteristic patterns on the head and body of a young tiger horse (Photo: Shutterstock).

Due to its wide distribution and living in many different environments, cobras are often encountered by humans around residential areas, especially in areas where many rats live, which are the species' favorite prey. This snake. However, thanks to its easy-to-identify characteristics, people can quickly recognize tiger horses to have appropriate treatment plans.

Snakes are ferocious but harmless

Despite the name "tiger horse", this snake belongs to the water snake family , does not possess venom , and is not a cobra family as many people mistakenly think.

Picture 3 of Snakes are very aggressive but not poisonous and are useful for agriculture

When in a self-defense position, the cobra raises its head high and opens its mouth threateningly (Photo: Wild Forest).

Although not venomous, the tiger horse is a ferocious snake , ready to pre-emptively attack its opponent when it feels threatened. When in danger or threatened, the cobra will erect 1/3 of its body forward off the ground, open its mouth wide and try to expand the skin of its neck. and at the same time be ready to launch pecks.

The cobra often maintains the position of holding its head high, opening its mouth wide to threaten enemies and moving, causing many people to mistake this as a deadly cobra. However, in reality this snake is not poisonous and is completely harmless to humans.

When bitten by a cobra, it can cause bleeding. If bitten, people should disinfect thoroughly to avoid infection. Victims can treat themselves at home without needing to go to a medical facility.

Snakes are aggressive but cowardly, knowing how to pretend to be dead to avoid enemies

Although it has an aggressive nature and often actively threatens its enemies, in reality the cobra is a. cowardly snake.

In case the threatening action fails and cannot stop the enemy, the cobra will have an ingenious "play" of pretending to be dead . At this time, the cobra will lie on its back motionless as if dead. No matter what external impact, the cobra will still lie still and not have any reaction.

Picture 4 of Snakes are very aggressive but not poisonous and are useful for agriculture

When threatening the enemy fails, the cobra will "act" pretending to be dead to deceive the enemy (Photo: Youtube).

Many predatory animals often have the habit of not eating dead animals, so the cobra's "play" of pretending to be dead can help it escape dangerous predators and even humans. human.

After lying motionless for a while, when it feels that the threat has passed, the snake will turn over and quickly run away from the predator. However, if still being hunted, the animal will continue to repeat the act of pretending to be dead until it overtakes the enemy and successfully escapes.

Snakes are useful for farmers

Due to its wide distribution, cobras often encounter humans. Because of its aggressive nature, cobras often try to threaten humans before running away, so this snake is often killed if it unfortunately encounters humans.

Picture 5 of Snakes are very aggressive but not poisonous and are useful for agriculture

This snake is very good at hunting mice.

The cobra's food includes lizards, frogs, and sometimes even fish and young birds. However, the cobra's favorite food is mice. This snake is very good at hunting mice thanks to its fast moving speed, so the cobra is a beneficial animal for agriculture.

Because the cobra is a harmless species, easy to identify and useful for agriculture, if you encounter this snake, you can find a way to chase it away, instead of killing it.

Update 26 May 2024



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