Some mistakes in susceptible eating

To prevent an increase in obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc., many health professionals are encouraging to adjust their lifestyles, starting with structuring daily meals.

Eat too little vegetables

According to a survey by the Institute of Nutrition, the eating habits of Vietnamese people in the last 20 years have been adversely affecting health. It is a tendency to eat a lot of meat, animal fat and too little vegetables, fruits and tubers.

Picture 1 of Some mistakes in susceptible eating
The habit of eating less vegetables is a consequence of many diseases due to lack of fiber and minerals.(Photo: Thinh An)

Vegetables are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including important antioxidants. These micronutrients are essential for the needs of metabolism, the immune system, detoxifying effects, protecting blood vessel walls and slowing the aging process.

As recommended by the International Health Organization, each person needs about 400g of vegetables per day. However, at present, we only eat an average of 200g, some people eat less than 100g of vegetables per day. Therefore, the most essential thing in improving meal structure is to increase the amount of vegetables by boiling, cooking soup, raw vegetables or salad. Alternating meals are fruit snacks. Eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables to provide the necessary vitamins or minerals.

Eat more refined foods instead of raw foods

The main source of sugar powder for energy supply in our families is now white rice, vermicelli, noodles, noodles, pho. Through processing or milling, these foods are removed from the outer membrane of cereal grains - the part containing the most micronutrients of the grain.

Raw grains or whole grains are whole grains and silk outer shells. According to many studies, the amount of antioxidants in cereals is more and more effective in fruits and vegetables many times. The fiber in the grain is especially effective for fat loss and cardiovascular improvement compared to vegetable fiber. The noticeable defect of many weight-loss diets now is just to reduce calories without or little concern about the need to replace refined foods with raw foods. This is also one of the reasons why many obese people often ask: 'Why do I eat less and still not see weight loss?'.

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Eating coarse grains will help reduce fat better than a regular purified diet.(Illustration)

People who are obese who eat calorie-reduced diets with coarse grains have a much lower abate of belly fat than those who lose their diet with common purified foods. In particular, people who ate raw cereals found a significant improvement in the amount of CRP (an indicator of inflammation in blood vessel walls) in the blood. Excessive increase in belly fat and CRP is always accompanied by the risk of diabetes and myocardial infarction, stroke. Therefore, gradually replace white rice or refined food with raw food.

In our country, raw foods are mainly brown rice, sticky rice, corn, sesame, beans, and fat nuts. Fiber, minerals and whole-grain antioxidants play a key role in preventing obesity, preventing osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and boosting the immune system, including cancer prevention. . Eating just one meal a day with coarse grains reduces about 30% of the risk of heart disease and diabetes compared to people who rarely use crude.

Eat too much fat

Another common mistake is that many people tend to eat more fat than necessary.

Fat easily increases appetite. It is also a component of cell membranes, neurons and an intermediary for certain vitamins such as A, D, E, and K to be absorbed through the intestinal membrane. However, eating a lot of animal fat is the biggest risk leading to obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, including type 2 diabetes.

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Fat in fats and oils that are cooked under high temperature also adversely affects health.(Photo: Van Yen)

Vegetable oils that are fried many times or under high temperatures will also become bad fats that reduce good cholesterol and increase the amount of total fat harmful to health. Be wary of bad fats always hidden in fast food products, industrial food.

For normal people, the amount of fat can be up to 30% of the serving. Particularly for those who are treating diabetes or cardiovascular disease, scientists recommend limiting fat to about 10%. The best fats are unsaturated fats in fish or in fat nuts such as sesame, chestnut, and sunflower seeds.

Eggs, meat than fish, seafood

The study has shown that average meat consumption in Vietnamese adults in the last 20 years has increased from 24.4g / day / person to 62g / day / person.

In the city, the amount of meat consumed is up to 180g / day / person. Not only meat, many families are abusing too many eggs. The consumption of eggs was negligible at the time of 1985, which increased 24 times after 20 years. Meanwhile, the amount of fish and seafood that each consumer only stops is about 50g / day / person.

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The mistake many people make is to substitute eggs for fish and seafood in their daily meals.(Photo: Thinh An)

Fish and seafood are easily digestible sources of protein and are rich in omega 3 fatty acids useful for cardiovascular and neurological activities. Therefore, the amount of meat should be reduced, and fish should be eaten, gradually converting animal protein into plant protein.

For eggs, although a nutritious food, has enough essential amino acids but also has a very high cholesterol ratio, even more than meat.

Due to busy life, many families tend to abuse fast food, prepare themselves with a bowl of noodles, add a few stalks of vegetables and 1 or 2 eggs. This diet is not only easy to raise blood fat but also lacks fiber and many other micronutrients including important antioxidants. Therefore, each person should eat only 2-3 eggs per week. In particular, people who are on cardiovascular treatment should not eat eggs.

Vo Ha's Herbal Medicine (Vietnam Oriental Medicine Association).