Sound waves can lead drugs into the body to kill tumors

A beam of three-dimensional sound waves can hold and move a very small capsule into the tumor in the body to kill cancer cells.

Ultrasound beams can lead drugs to kill tumors

According to IB Times, the team at the University of Sussex, Bristol University (UK) partnered with Bristol-based UltraHaptics Company to realize the idea of using sound waves to lift objects . By using sound waves with a large amplitude to produce three-dimensional sound images, this gravitational beam can lift and move small objects.

According to the study of acoustic gravitational beams published in Nature Communications, this unique device consists of a board containing 64 small speakers, which can produce sound waves with large amplitudes and high intensity, from that formed a three-dimensional sound image.

Picture 1 of Sound waves can lead drugs into the body to kill tumors
Red round colored objects hovering in the air thanks to a beam of sound waves.(Photo: IB Times).

"Our audio tractor beam technology uses ultrasound at a frequency of 40 kHz, beyond the threshold of human hearing , " said Deepak Sakoo, a researcher at the University of Sussex. "The aforementioned audio frequency can lift an object with a maximum size of 8mm in the air. However, if you integrate multiple sound transmitters, our technology can lift large objects about a meter".

Sound waves can create many different three-dimensional shapes to control objects, such as clamps, container cages and fingers. The team believes that the technology will be used in many different areas, such as transporting and assembling microscopic objects on the production line without using hands.

"The most practical application of the technology is in the medical field, " Sakoo said. "The drug can be transmitted to the right target, using a beam of sound waves that hold capsule-like drugs in the right place inside the human body. At that time, the drug will release slowly, serving the item. target cure as desired ".

"Treatment of cancer with current chemotherapy makes drugs flow to every part of the body. If we can deliver drugs to a more local location, this will be a major breakthrough." , the scientist said.

Modern medicine has the technology to inject drugs into very small capsules and then use ultrasound waves to break down capsules to deliver drugs to the body."With this wave, we can hold and move the capsule to the appropriate location, such as at the tumor, and then use ultrasound waves to break down the capsule so that the drug is properly targeted , " Sakoo said.