Spinach is good for diabetics

Eating spinach will help diabetic patients reduce cardiovascular events, a new study shows.

Animal testing by Australian and Chinese researchers has uncovered a new therapy with folic acid (which is considered a nutritional supplement for pregnant women to protect the development of the nervous system. of the fetus) in protecting the heart muscle from the attack of high blood sugar caused by diabetes.

Only a short time of taking folic acid supplements or eating spinach on a regular basis (for 11 weeks) was able to see a clear effect by significantly reducing the 'death' rate of the individual. cells in the heart area due to the attack of blood sugar.

More importantly, any biological therapy can help to improve the heart muscle, helping to increase resistance to future injuries caused by diabetes. Diabetes is one of the risks that greatly affects the functioning of the heart. 1/3 of the cells in the heart can be destroyed or in danger when blood sugar is elevated in diabetics.

Diabetes is one of the leading risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in Australia and around the world.

Picture 1 of Spinach is good for diabetics

Spinach. (Photo: www.csa.com)