
Strange bird species knows how to twist its neck and pretend to be a snake to scare enemies

It is a bird

It is a "crooked neck" bird, when in danger, it twists its neck and makes a sound like the hissing of a snake .

Picture 1 of Strange bird species knows how to twist its neck and pretend to be a snake to scare enemies

This bird belongs to the woodpecker family and lives in most parts of the world.

Picture 2 of Strange bird species knows how to twist its neck and pretend to be a snake to scare enemies

Whenever they are in danger, they do not fly away but turn their heads backwards and hiss like snakes.

Picture 3 of Strange bird species knows how to twist its neck and pretend to be a snake to scare enemies

According to the discovery, whenever this bird is seen, it is seen imitating a snake.

Picture 4 of Strange bird species knows how to twist its neck and pretend to be a snake to scare enemies

Although they are in the same family as woodpeckers, this bird does not have the habit of pecking at tree trunks, but still prefers to eat ants and insects because of its weak beak.

Picture 5 of Strange bird species knows how to twist its neck and pretend to be a snake to scare enemies

But the wry-necked bird just hangs around picking ants on the ground and thanks to its very long tongue, it can get into the anthill.

Picture 6 of Strange bird species knows how to twist its neck and pretend to be a snake to scare enemies

The wry-necked bird often hides in tree holes and hisses like a snake, scaring away any approaching enemies.

Update 26 November 2024