Strange boy has a heart outside his chest

Although quite dangerous to life, this boy still spent his childhood as a normal boy, climbing trees and driving a tractor in his father's field.

Picture 1 of Strange boy has a heart outside his chest
Arpit Gohil has a heart outside the chest.

Arpit Gohil (India) guy from birth brought the heart outside the chest and was protected by a thin layer of skin.

Known as the Cantrell Syndrome (Pentalogy of Cantrell), this extremely rare syndrome affects the developing fetus and causes children born with important internal organs such as the heart or intestines to lie outside the body.

Arpit is currently considering performing a surgery to return the heart to the correct position.

It is estimated that one in every million children born is 5.5 with this syndrome. Only 50 cases were known to survive until 12 years of age, most of them died within a few hours of birth.