Strange mysteries about 10 human body parts

The human body is full of mysteries and for a long time the human body has become the object of research, even dissected by scientists.

The human body is full of mysteries and for a long time the human body has become a subject of research, even dissected by scientists, there are still institutions that we have not understood for a while. their existence.

Some body parts play a very important role, others may or may not seem to be of any use. There are some parts that scientists still do not know what function, or not get much attention. Here is a list of 10 little-known body parts.

A part of the knee

The human body is so complex, that after many centuries of surgery, scientists are continuing to discover new parts.

Last November, Belgian researchers first announced a ligament in the human knee named Ligaments before the side. A French surgeon discovered this ligament in 1879, but this has not been verified until today.

This new discovery could pave the way to explain some of the injuries in which the knee is deflected when moving in a certain direction.

Second class

In another surprise discovery, scientists found a new part in the human eye. This relatively solid and thin structure is named Second Layer, only about 15 microns thick, equivalent to one thousandth of a meter and located behind the cornea.

Discovering this second layer will help researchers better understand some eye diseases that can be caused by injury in this part.

Picture 1 of Strange mysteries about 10 human body parts

Body parts.(Photo:

Side ribs

A normal person has 12 ribs on each side of the body, but some people have one more rib, and this can cause health problems.

This extra rib is called the neck rib, discovered at a rate of about 0.05-3%. It grows from the neck just above the collarbone bone, and sometimes doesn't grow completely into a bone but just a thin piece of muscle.

This side ribs can cause health problems if it bumps into blood vessels or nerves, causes shoulder pain, neck pain, loss of sensation in the limbs, and hematoma.

Ear muscles

Some people are fortunate to have the ability to wave their ears through a group of muscles called ear muscles. This group of muscles includes the anterior ear muscle, which helps the ear move forward; muscles on the ears, help ears to rise; and the muscle behind the ear, helping the ear move backwards.

Although we all have these muscles, only about 15% of the population has the ability to use them to wave their ears. This is a useful skill when prehistoric people need to use their ears to listen to the warning sounds. But today, this ability is just for fun.


The epidermis is a hard layer of skin at the base of the nail, where the intersection of the fingernails and fingers. Under this epidermis, new nails are forming. Almost invisible, this small body part helps us to prevent the entry of bacteria and soil into the body.

Nail bones

Nail bone is a type of bone found only in humans, which is the only bone in the body that does not bind to any part, and is the basis for forming pronunciation.

This bone has a U-shaped like a horseshoe in the throat, between the chin and. At that location, the nail bone combines with the larynx and tongue to create a human voice.


Coccyx is caused by the last vertebra of the spine sticking together and is the rest of the tail that other mammals have. In the past, coccyx was thought to help fix small muscles and support pelvic organs. However, there are many surgeries to remove coccyx without causing negative consequences.

Some babies are born with fairly long coccyx. Today, that abnormally long bone can be easily removed by surgery, but before in the Dark Ages, this long bone was synonymous with the sign of the devil, and the child was with his mother. will be executed.

Bone disappeared

Human skeletal system has many interesting things. One of them is that adults have less bone than children. We were born with 350 bones, but in the process of growing some bones joined together and finally we only had 206 bones when we reached adulthood.

The stomach recreates itself

Our stomachs are automatically renewed after 3-4 days, because the stomach wall is always replaced by new cells. In fact, the stomach often creates new layers to avoid decomposition by the amount of acid contained within it.


Middle core is a perpendicular groove in the middle area of ​​the upper lip. In some animals, this part has the ability to enhance the sense of smell by keeping the area around the nose always wet, but in humans, this part does not appear to be effective.

It is likely that because people rely more on sight than other sensory organs, humanity has lost its function, and is now only what remains after evolution. However, scientists are still very interested in this part because it is formed at a certain time during fetal development, and this is a clue to explain the mutations in the fetal development process.

Different forms of central humanity have been studied in certain cases and are even thought to be related to autism.

Update 15 December 2018



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