Strange story: Tens of thousands of walruses land massively on Alaska beaches

According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, tens of thousands of new walruses have recently arrived

According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, tens of thousands of walruses have recently "migrated" to the northwest coast of Alaska, USA to avoid ice melting in the Arctic warmed by the Earth.

The hippos migrate simultaneously to Alaska

In September 2014, there were about 35,000 walruses stuck in the Alaska coast due to ice melting in the Arctic. After exactly 1 year, this alarming phenomenon was once again repeated.

Andrea Medeiros, a spokesman for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, said tens of thousands of "landed" walruses landed on Alaka's coast. The researchers also found the corpses of nearly 50 walruses. These bad walruses may have died after a stampede to shore up.

Picture 1 of Strange story: Tens of thousands of walruses land massively on Alaska beaches

This breathtaking spectacle signals the Earth's worrying warming.

In the winter, the Pacific walrus often lives in the ice area of ​​the Bering Sea. As usual, in the summer, when sea ice melts, only the males here migrate north through the Bering Strait. However, in the past few summers, due to the increasing melting of the Arctic ice, thousands of walruses have been washed to the northwest coast of Alaska, the US and the Russian coast.

Reportedly, this "practice" of migration began in 2007 . So far, the population of walrus has been increasing, from a few thousand to now, a few tens of thousands. The large number of walruses ashore is a bad sign because it shows more and more clearly the phenomenon of ice melt as well as the warming of the Earth.

Picture 2 of Strange story: Tens of thousands of walruses land massively on Alaska beaches

The same phenomenon happened at this time last year.

As the temperature rises in the summer, the ice on the sea almost melts. Accordingly, the refuge with the hippocampus' birthplace gradually fades away, causing the walrus individuals to become increasingly chaotic. On the other hand, unlike seals, walruses cannot swim continuously for long periods of time. The walrus is also known as one of the timid creatures, just having the appearance of a polar bear is enough to cause thousands of walruses to scatter.

Picture 3 of Strange story: Tens of thousands of walruses land massively on Alaska beaches

Walruses are timid animals, susceptible to environmental factors.

When asked about this phenomenon, Margaret Williams, the Wildlife Fund's executive director for the program, said: "The large-scale migration of walrus is a remarkable sign of things. Environmental lawsuits are changing dramatically - more specifically, the phenomenon of melting sea ice is increasing rapidly , and the walrus, polar bears have been alerting us about the Arctic environment changing rapidly. The world needs to act now to address and limit this global warming and climate change. "

Update 16 December 2018



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