Students build micro-houses with 3D printing technology in just 1 day

Although it is quite small in size, it is theoretically possible to live inside.

Although it is quite small in size, it is theoretically possible to live inside.

Although the construction industry is a playground for large corporations with huge budget projects, there are still many small startups or even individuals who have made their mark when creating the buildings. breakthrough with 3D printing technology. One of them is Alex Le Roux, a student of mechanical engineering at Baylor Univeristy University in Texas.

Picture 1 of Students build micro-houses with 3D printing technology in just 1 day

Alex Le Roux next to his newly built house.

Using his Vesta 3D V2 printer , he completed one of the first 3D printing engineering projects in the United States. Of course this is not the first 3D printed house in the world, this honor belongs to the Chinese WinSun company when they built ten 3D houses in 2014. This is not a 3D printing project by poker. The only bamboo shoots in the United States, people used to have 3D printing a castle in the past.

Picture 2 of Students build micro-houses with 3D printing technology in just 1 day

Construction work of Le Roux.

However, Le Roux's work is the first thing built with 3D technology in the United States, but theoretically, we can live inside. Exactly called home is also somewhat exaggerated, because its size is very small, it is more suitable for making a warehouse.

Picture 3 of Students build micro-houses with 3D printing technology in just 1 day

This project only takes 24 hours to complete.

This work only takes 24 hours to complete, inside is 1m long and 2m across. The printer works at about 10cm / s, it takes 4 liters of cement every 10cm. This printer only needs one person to control from the computer and put cement into the machine.

This project is funded in part by ModEco Development LCC. The company also focuses on investing in unique and environmentally friendly construction works, which are very consistent with Le Roux's 3D home design.

Picture 4 of Students build micro-houses with 3D printing technology in just 1 day

This project is funded in part by ModEco Development LCC.

Le Roux and ModEco Development are planning to build more buildings using more environmentally friendly cement. He is using a 2nd generation 3D Vesta printer, a newer version of this machine is expected to be sold in August at a rate that is three times faster. Hopefully later we will have many bigger houses built with 3D printing technology.

Update 12 December 2018



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