Sudden paralysis of the whole body after night sleep

After a sleepless night in a cold, a British male student woke up and suddenly found himself paralyzed.

The unfortunate incident happened to Alistair Summers, a 19-year-old Spanish and business student at Hull University in October last year.

Due to being tired of catching a cold, Summers went to bed early. However, when he woke up the next morning and tried to get out of bed, the young man fell to the floor for losing his ability to control his legs.

Picture 1 of Sudden paralysis of the whole body after night sleep
Alistair Summers was hospitalized for 3 months after he was unwell
suspected of being paralyzed overnight in October last year.(Photo: Carters News)

Friends immediately brought Summers to the hospital, but the condition of the student continued to deteriorate. By the end of the day, he was paralyzed from the neck down.

Summers doctors diagnosed with rare Guillian-Barre syndrome, in which the nerves in the arms and legs became inflamed and deactivated. They said, he may have to stick with the bed for 2 weeks.

Still, until now, Summers had been inpatient treatment at Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham for 3 months. He revealed, he himself was not aware of the severity of the disease.

At first, Summers could not walk or talk, and had to communicate mainly with facial expressions and make clattering sounds to catch attention.

Currently the unfortunate student is recovering gradually, but does not know how long it will take or whether he can return to normal completely.