Super antibiotic from the ocean

A new antibiotic compound in microorganisms where the ocean is located in sediments off California (USA) may help cure infections that are resistant to current strains.

A new antibiotic compound in microorganisms where the ocean is located in sediments off California (USA) may help cure infections that are resistant to current strains.

Picture 1 of Super antibiotic from the ocean


The discovery of a completely new line of antibiotics is a rare case, opening hope for effective treatment of MRSA infections ( antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus aureus ) and anthrax, which is a term Serious threats to communities, according to the BBC.

The new compound, named anthracimycin , appears to be effective when used to treat such dangerous infections, because its structure is not the same as the natural antibiotics that were previously found. 'The really important point in this study is that anthracimycin has a unique and novel chemical structure,' said team leader William Fenical of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

New findings and promises to create opportunities to develop antibiotic-related strains. After expert Alexander Fleming found Penicillin in 1928, more than 25 drugs were prepared.

Update 14 December 2018



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