Surprise with Egyptian beer 5,800 years ago

Pieces of pottery found from Hierakonpolis, an archaeological site in Southern Egypt, were stunned when... covered with beer residue.

Pieces of pottery found from Hierakonpolis, an archaeological site in Southern Egypt, were stunned when. covered with beer residue.

According to a paper just published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, the pottery shards date back 5,800 years and are a very popular beverage. Some ancient reliefs show that the Egyptians also used beer for parties like us. It is also a premium drink used for rituals.

Picture 1 of Surprise with Egyptian beer 5,800 years ago

Ancient beer pots and mugs assembled from ancient ceramic pieces

The research team led by Professor Jiajing Wang from Dartmouth College (New Hampshire - USA) said that Egyptian beer is related to the stratification of Egyptian society at that time as well as the gradual rise of a state. unified.

According to Acient Origins, the stele fragments date from 3800 to 3600 BC, 400-600 years before the pharaoh Narmer, who unified Egypt.

Citing research, New Scientist reports that Egyptian beer is brewed from wheat, barley and a grass with a unique flavor, quite low alcohol content. Egyptian beer is not like now but thick, opaque, comparable to porridge. The Egyptians used a long reed straw to drink beer just like how some ethnic minorities in our country drink can wine.

Before that, people had found quite a few breweries with a "younger" age at the ancient Egyptian ruins. There are breweries with extremely large capacity, which can produce 390 to 1,000 liters of beer at the same time.

Update 11 December 2021



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