Semi-Conductor is an AI capable of tracking your movement as if you are waving in front of an actual symphony orchestra and creating musical works in real time.
Google has just announced a new artificial intelligence tool (AI) developed by the company to help organizations prevent child sexual abuse (CSAM) online.
Once defeated Lee Sedol - the world No. 1 go player - in 2016, AlphaGo is now defeated by AlphaGo Zero, a new AI created by his father Julian Schrittwieser.
We already know that Google is one of the most prominent technology companies in the race to develop artificial intelligence.
Add an extremely close victory of artificial intelligence from Google before the world leading chess players.
Researchers are using new AI-assisted AI technology to search for and track the number of endangered species when their numbers decline. for years.
DeepMind, Google's artificial intelligence system, now has the ability to teach it itself with the information it already knows.