On the morning of January 14, Hanoi recorded the most polluted air in weeks. AQI is purple (AQI is over 200, very bad level).

On February 4, the Japanese government issued a health warning to the people when dense dust from China attacked the country.

Road traffic was interrupted and many flights were canceled after the toxic haze covered the capital of Beijing and many cities in China on February 17.

Air pollution in China's Beijing capital has risen to the level of danger to human health, the index today said.

Pollutants create dense haze in central and eastern China, making the sky darker and visibility falling sharply.

China 's Ministry of Environmental Protection said it will take measures to reduce emissions from cars after smog over 30 cities over the past few days.

Air pollution in the Chinese capital today continues to be serious, as toxic dust mixed in the dew covered the entire city.

Beijing city officials warned people to limit their home leave because of the recurring haze and air pollution indicators that are far above safety thresholds.