Portraits of 10 military geniuses who have changed the world order.

For centuries, Chinese women suffered terrible pain when they had to hold their legs

On the triumph after conquering many countries, in 323 BC, Alexander the Great fell ill. At that moment, he realized that death was near and he could not return to his homeland.

The mysteries surrounding the sudden death of King Alexander the Great have always attracted the interest of historians.

Many world celebrities have not enjoyed a peaceful death ...

Sometimes the coincidence is a great chance, even with modern archeology. And one of the things

Researchers claim that creatures half-beastly in Greek myths really exist. They found many paintings on the rock depicting them and believed that the ancient painters made their

Recently, scientists have speculated that Alexander the Great was killed by a deadly bacterium in the Styx river.

Alexander the Great is considered one of the most powerful military leaders and most powerful rulers in history, according to the History page.

Surprisingly, this city was found with traces of war despite being quite far from the battle area.