In the distant star system Teegarden, there are two exoplanets that are candidates for finding life beyond Earth.

Researchers use the CARMENES device on a telescope in Spain's Calar Alto Observatory to determine a total of five helium-bearing exoplanets.

There are two new exoplanets named EPIC 211964830b in turn and c unexpectedly entered the scientific world.

Scientists can first observe a young star

The study has just published in the Astrobiology scientific journal of the US scientists group of many units, using data that Cassini research spacecraft.

Before 2006, Pluto (or Pluto) was always considered the 9th planet of the solar system.

A surprisingly interesting star system found in space surprised the scientific community. The planets orbit around very close to the host star for a period of 1.2, 3.6 and 6.2

Scientists have discovered the smallest star ever. The star is about the size of Saturn, smaller than Jupiter, with gravity 300 times stronger than Earth.

On March 23, the Southern European Observatory (ESO) reported that they had found 9