An anthropologist suggests that the ancient human species, Homo floresiensis, commonly known as

The weapons found in Germany reveal the shocking level of technology of another human species at a time when Homo sapiens was new.

Ancient humans came to the land that is now China much earlier than previously predicted and had very developed technology.

One of the fearsome beasts that roamed Eurasia a few million years ago may have encountered a more fearsome predator - Homo erectus.

Archaeologists have discovered evidence that humans ate snakes as well as lizards and some reptiles some 15,000 years ago.

US scientists have discovered an unexpected event that could have caused the ancient Neanderthals to become extinct, leaving the Earth with only one species of his genus - us.

An analysis of ancient mummies by researchers at the University of Texas Medical Science Center shows that ancient people who lived 4,000 years ago in areas now known as northern

An unknown ancient species gave birth to both modern humans and extinct Neanderthals, in a miraculous evolution of 800,000 years ago.