Korean scientists have just developed corn seeds that contain substances that have anti-cancer potential 10 times higher than conventional corn varieties.
Knowing that the purple bald tree works to cure many diseases, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Hoai sought to study the chemical composition of the plant.
Mango is a familiar fruit and can be eaten both green and ripe. They have many effects on the body as well as the digestive system, eyes, skin, diabetes, cardiovascular patients.
You know, garlic is a very good food for the human body, but not everyone can eat raw garlic. So there is this way for you, grill them up and enjoy, not difficult to eat but have
From 4,500 years ago, technology has been used primarily in Asia both in cooking and treating many diseases from digestion, joint ... to skin wounds.
Head ligament in the first 6 types can treat because it can protect and detoxify liver, support cancer prevention ...
At this point, you should actively eat more cabbage for the benefits of cancer prevention, good for digestion, anti-inflammation ....
Viagra is the world's favorite green pill, not only for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, but also many other wonderful uses known to the world.
Scientists have found a mechanism to produce cough inhibitors and kill poppy cancer cells, paving the way for creating higher yielding varieties. The opium popped with heroin, a
Albert Einstein Medical School researchers, Yeshiva University have successfully developed the first fluorescent protein to penetrate the internal organs of living animals ...