Last year, the number of dead whales and drifted ashore in Chile reached 330 and this year this strange phenomenon has not stopped.

Great demand of the Chinese elite for bubble totoaba and dolphins and dry and squash bubbles pushed these two species to the brink of extinction.

The conclusion of a group of US and Swedish scientists shows that dead sea areas - where aquatic species cannot survive due to lack of oxygen - are continuing to expand.

Water creatures such as crabs and fish with facial features that can resemble human faces, however seeing these strange creatures with human faces is extremely rare.

More than 100 new aquatic species have been recorded in Singapore, of which 14 have been identified that science may be completely unknown.

About 5 years ago, people living on the banks of the Red River in Lao Cai City have to live together with the pollution of the legendary river.

The tiny larvae that rise in the water in all shapes and colors show a diverse world of aquatic species.