The arteries, capillaries and veins in a person's circulatory system can reach a length of up to 100,000 km if joined together, enough to wrap around the Earth 2.5 times.
Although medicine has made great progress, there are still a number of diseases that make the medical community give up. Here are some of the most mysterious diseases in the
A stent, a wire mesh tube, is placed in a narrowed or blocked artery, designed to reduce the risk of stroke. However, it is the culprit that increases the risk of second stroke
Scientists put a catheter into the thigh, 1 into the artery and then use radio waves
According to a study, published in The Lancet, British scientists discovered that carotid enlargement surgery to enhance blood flow to the brain.
For a long time, we still have a habit that when we are tired, we often shake our neck vigorously to relax our muscles and increase pleasure. Few of us think how harmful it is.
Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, have transplanted a subwoofer (platinum) wireless antenna to monitor blood levels and identify cases. Implant