Science has long argued that autistic children encounter other people's glances that will make them feel uncomfortable or simply just indifference.

A new study by American scientists found that bathing in a hot tub for half an hour will help temporarily ease autistic symptoms in children.

In a new study published in Arizona State University's Journal of Microelement, researchers report that autistic children have higher levels of toxic metals in their blood and

Kaspar is a social robot designed to communicate with autistic children. The robot can sing, imitate the way of eating, playing the rattles drum and even combing the hair.

Recently, Tom Kirkman, a student at Dundee University, Scotland, invented a new device called Passive Play to help parents with autistic children communicate better with this poor

Researchers have successfully developed the first type of wristwatch-like sensor that acts as an EEG, which can accurately predict seizures or impending seizures.