• Save the life of the little girl swallow

    Save the life of the little girl swallow
    A 3-year-old girl came to the hospital because of a stomach ache. When X-rays were taken, the doctors were shocked to find dozens of electromagnets in her abdomen.
  • Children who lack sleep are at risk of obesity

    Children who lack sleep are at risk of obesity
    According to a study published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine of the United States, babies and children who are not yet in school age if they do not
  • Understand the cry of your baby

    Understand the cry of your baby
    Sometimes she is crying but just by looking, hearing her voice or being hugged by her mother, she stops immediately. In addition, you can also massage gently or pat the baby's
  • Children grow when you sleep?

    Children grow when you sleep?
    Your mother used to always say that if you don't go to bed and get enough sleep, won't you grow fast and be healthy?
  • Miraculous ingredients in breast milk

    Miraculous ingredients in breast milk
    Scientists at the University of London have discovered a miraculous ingredient in human milk that protects and regulates the very weak intestinal function of newborn babies.
  • Care of newborn umbilical cord

    Care of newborn umbilical cord
    If you see signs of redness, heat, swelling or pressure on the skin around the navel or many secretions around the umbilical cord, especially bad smell, it is necessary to bring
  • Bed cushions simulate the uterus for a good night's sleep

    Bed cushions simulate the uterus for a good night's sleep
    With the advent of a new type of revolutionary cushion for children simulating the feeling of being in the womb, upcoming parents will no longer have to worry about their sleep.