Children grow when you sleep?

Your mother used to always say that if you don't go to bed and get enough sleep, won't you grow fast and be healthy? Is it true that the idea of ​​a major child at night when sleeping is correct?

Picture 1 of Children grow when you sleep?

(Photos: Families)

More sleep than a dream, it is also necessary for normal height development as well as the growth and development of organs and tissues in the body such as the heart, brain, muscle system . There are two reasons. The main explanation for the above statement is:

1. Growth hormone - a substance produced through the pituitary at the base of the brain helps stimulate the growth of the body and other dependent organs. This hormone is secreted during sleep.

2. Our body consumes very little energy during sleep compared to awake and activity, so energy can be transformed from maintaining alertness and activity level to the functions of growth.

Studies conducted in many hospitals have shown that normal sleep despite any factor impact can also have a negative effect on development. In fact, babies and young children growing up need long sleeps to demonstrate the fact that growth actually occurs during sleep.