A Google Maps user said he found one

People are warned not to enter this area - where there are no mobile phone signals, radios or TVs.

The disappearance of ships and planes passing through the waters dubbed the Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery to this day.

Scientists found giant craters on the seabed of Norway's coastline, revealing the cause of the famous Bermuda Triangle.

The name Bermuda Triangle is used to refer to the waters between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Bermuda is a geographic area located between the state of Florida, the US, the island of Puerto Rico and the island nation of Bermuda.

Professional pigeons in England are puzzled by the information that hundreds of pigeons have disappeared in the area called 'Bermuda Triangle'.

On October 24, a group of Canadian scientists unexpectedly discovered an ancient city with four pyramids sunk in the Bermuda Triangle, 700 meters from Cuba's east coast. This