A treasure hunter has just discovered a surprisingly unexplainable thing hidden deep beneath the Bermuda Triangle Triangle.

The bombs from the hexagonal cloud bouncing into the sea may cause aircraft and boats to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle.

Scientists found giant craters on the seabed of Norway's coastline, revealing the cause of the famous Bermuda Triangle.

The latest study of hellish holes in Eastern Europe can help find the cause of Bermuda triangular myth.

In the history of the world, there are many legends and rumors around

The name Bermuda Triangle is used to refer to the waters between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

According to scientists, the ocean is home to 25 million organisms, but humans have only identified 1% of the total number of deep-sea creatures.

For a long time, scientists around the world believe that the time and place we live in is just one of many dimensions of space and time that we cannot see.

Aliens, big sea monsters, time loopholes, or who has cried terror with mysterious accidents in the Bermuda triangle?

Bermuda, the western region of the Atlantic Ocean has long been considered one of the most mysterious areas in the world with a series of unexplained disappearances. However, in