Cohen Bramlee (6 years old, USA) has a gastrointestinal disorder that was first noted. Can not eat like a normal person, she is given nutrients to feed her body.

50 years ago, researchers from the University of Toronto, Canada discovered stem cells.

White blood disease or leukemia is a cancer of blood cells. This is a malignant blood disease that occurs on all ages but most children.

A woman who became the first in the world to have a baby thanks to frozen egg tissue was taken from when she was still a child.

Two HIV-infected patients seem to have cured but relapsed - a sad news for medical researchers and people with H ...

US researchers say that two long-term HIV-infected men with bone marrow transplantation now do not need antiviral therapy, according to UPI news agency.

Researchers at Brigham and Boston Women's Hospital have found that, after a bone marrow transplant, two men have completely cleared the HIV virus in their blood.

For more than a decade of HIV infection, a man seems to have escaped this death 20 months after a bone marrow transplant.

Researchers in Australia have discovered a chemical molecule that allows to identify, lead and collect stem cells from donor's blood to treat cancer patients.