Scientists in Italy say they have identified areas of the brain that can help people remember vivid dreams.
Generosity is not simply a personality formed by the environment and education that is already available in the brain when we are born.
The 21st century human brain map shows that each hemisphere has 180 distinct regions, of which 97 have never been discovered before.
New research by scientists from University College London (UCL) and University of Reading (England) has put doubts on the previous hypothesis about how people experience pain.
A recent study by scientists shows that the regions of the cortex work at different rates depending on the time of year.
British researchers have identified an area of the brain that is involved in cognitive processes that only occur in humans.
According to a new study published in the American Journal of Science on April 11, brain activity can be used to predict whether someone will buy the music product he hears. first
One study showed that when people look at masterpiece masterpieces, activity in the brain region increases like when we love someone.